Our Impact

Your one-stop hub for all Sasha Bruce and impact-driven stories & resources

Our Approach

Homelessness is steadily increasing in the nation’s capital.

See what we are doing about it. Sasha Bruce Youthwork operates multiple residential facilities, all of which offer counseling, counseling, and classes that can lead young people back to a more stable and supportive family situation, or on a path to independence and self-sufficiency.

By The Numbers

Homelessness is a growing concern in our nation’s capital, but at Sasha Bruce Youthwork, we are taking action to make a difference. See how we are addressing the issue of homelessness and empowering youth to build brighter futures.

Stories of Hope

A young family rescued from homelessness in Washington DC

“Sasha Bruce gave me hope, and a sense of being.” Add a Brief introduction to the family’s story goes here and some additional information related to impact.

Sasha Bruce Youthwork is like working with family – it’s friendly, everyone cares about the mission, and it’s a rewarding place to be

Paula Gongora,
Marketing Manager

At Sasha Bruce Youthwork, you only need to step into the hallway to be reminded that you are making a difference in the life of someones”

Daniel Rico,
Chief Development Officer

See how more than 25 years of hope in action changes the world

Together we can end youth homelessness. Help us continue the fight for our future

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Together, we can end youth homelessness in our lifetime. Help us continue the fight for our future.