Statement on the passing of Dean Smith



Statement on the passing of Dean Smith

It is with deep sadness that we share with you that William Dean Smith, Sasha Bruce Board Member Emeritus, passed away on December 3, 2019.

Dean served with distinction on the Sasha Bruce Youthwork Board of Directors for more than two decades. His guidance and vision helped Sasha Bruce through a period of stability and growth that has benefited countless youth in the region.

A man of deep conviction, Dean had the remarkable ability to combine his dedication to the welfare of children and families with an infectious wit and a steady wisdom in advancing the mission of Sasha Bruce Youthwork.

He always maintained a truly humane approach to solving social problems.  We will never be able to replace his steady guidance and spirit in our work.

Our thoughts and prayers go to his wife, Bobbi, and daughters, Sophie and MacKenzie.  His love for them was evident every day.

His family has asked that in lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be offered to Sasha Bruce Youthwork. To make a gift in his honor, please click here.

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