Life Skills

Over 1,300 young people will experience homelessness in the District of Columbia and Prince George’s County, MD this year.

Get Help Now: (202) 547 7777


Resources for young people to lead healthy lives.

The health and well-being of young people in Washington, DC face numerous challenges. With the highest HIV infection rate in the nation, it’s crucial to address the factors contributing to this issue, such as low condom usage, inadequate sex education, and a sense of hopelessness that leads to high teen pregnancy rates.

At Sasha Bruce Youthwork, we are committed to combating these threats and promoting healthier lives. Through our programs, we provide essential health education, prevention strategies, and treatment options tailored to young individuals. Additionally, we connect them with a wide range of community resources, empowering them to lead healthy lives and build a brighter future.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness

The POWER Program provides prevention and education services to youth between the ages of 13-24, including runaway and homeless youth, commercial sex workers, street youth, teenage mothers, and court-adjudicated youth. Youth are self-referred or may be referred through other SBY programs. In order to better educate and prevent unplanned pregnancies and the spread of HIV/AIDS in young people, the P.O.W.E.R. Program offers the following services:

Street and Community Outreach

Evidence-based interventions for HIV positive youth (CLEAR)

Street Smart group level intervention

Sexual Health presentations and workshops

HIV testing and Care Advocacy

Pregnancy testing

Safer Sex materials

STD Screenings

Address: 701 B Maryland Avenue NE, Washington DC 20002

The Sasha Bruce Youthwork Teen Outreach Program® (TOP)® is a positive youth development program that partners with middle schools and high schools in DC’s Ward 7 and 8 to strengthen teen’s educational success, life and leadership skills, and healthy behaviors and relationships. By leveraging the Wyman Teen Outreach Program® curriculum, the program helps reduce the incidence of teen pregnancy and risky sexual behavior, course failure, school suspension, and skipping school.

To achieve its goals, the TOP® program consists of three interrelated elements:

  • ADULT SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE: Each TOP® club is led by at least one consistent and trained facilitator over a 9-month cycle. Group facilitators are further supported by teachers, guidance personnel, or youth leaders who help foster a trusting environment.
  • CURRICULUM-BASED GROUP ACTIVITIES: TOP® groups meet at least once a week throughout the school year (9 months) to discuss a variety of topics, including communication skills/assertiveness, understanding and clarifying values, relationships, goal-setting, influences, decision-making, and adolescent health and sexual development.
  • COMMUNITY SERVICE-LEARNING: Teens engage in a minimum of 20 hours of community service learning per academic year. TOP® facilitators guide the youth in choosing, planning, implementing, reflecting on, and celebrating their service-learning project. Service projects may include direct service, indirect service, or civic actions.

The DC Prevention Center for Wards 5 & 6 is a collaborative venture in conjunction with the Department of Health (DOH), Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration (APRA), and Sasha Bruce Youthwork. Our vision is to support a healthy and drug free District of Columbia where all children are safe, drug free and connected and supported by a network of caring families, community organizations, and faith based organizations. As we identify prevalent risk factors within Wards 5 & 6, it will be important to engage in community conversations and trainings that will help to develop and sustain an infrastructure of community leadership.

We also offer and host:

• Structured trainings and workshops that will increase community knowledge, skills, and awareness of substance abuse trends and indicators

• Community Conversations on underage drinking, so-called gateway drugs and risk & protective factors

Address: 1022 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002

The PASS Program uses an evidence-based curriculum developed in partnership with the Urban Institute to help teens make healthy and informed decisions about their bodies, relationships, personal development, self-expression and identities.


Address: 741 8th Street, SE, Washington DC 20003


Sasha Bruce provides programming for youth ages 5 to 21 who live in the Richardson Dwellings property and the surrounding Clay Terrace community, through its work at the Richardson Youth Center. Most importantly, the center provides a safe place in the community. It facilitates various workshops and violence prevention activities on topics such as career development, health and wellness, creative expression, conflict resolution, community service and sexual orientation issues. This program is made possible thanks to the generous support of Learn24.

Address: 260 54th Street NE

The Credible Messenger Program works to reduce court system recidivism and gang violence among youth through peer leader outreach and restorative justice strategies. Its mentor-led programming works with youth and their families to provide a range of services to advocate for and support youth in the justice system, and to prevent recidivism and transition towards educational achievement, strengthened families, and job access. Credible Messenger offers emotional and mental health programs, job training, financial literacy and guidance, life skills, family support, and educational mentoring. Many mentors previously had been in the juvenile justice system and were inspired by the Credible Messenger program to return to support Sasha Bruce youth.


Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope

A young family rescued from homelessness in Washington DC

“Sasha Bruce gave me hope, and a sense of being.” Add a Brief introduction to the family’s story goes here and some additional information related to impact.

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