Tim’s Story

Tim’s Story

The people at Sasha Bruce Youthwork help me see things differently.

Tim never had many positive role models growing up and at age 13 his father passed away. Tim subsequently began getting into trouble by smoking, fighting and skipping school. Worst of all, Tim says he became a “follower.”

By age 14, Tim had been arrested once and was headed toward a future with more arrests. In 2007, Tim was arrested and committed for an armed robbery, leading him to be placed in Sasha Bruce Youthwork’s R.E.A.C.H. program. R.E.A.C.H. is a group home for teenage boys involved in the juvenile justice system. Residents receive group and individual counseling, participate in life skills groups and follow all court-ordered demands while re-focusing on school and family relationships. After being discharged from R.E.A.C.H., Tim continued his individual counseling work in SBY’s Intensive Third Party Monitoring Program.

Tim says his whole life changed after being introduced to Sasha Bruce Youthwork services and he now looks forward to his future. Tim has returned to school and still receives guidance and counseling from SBY.

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