Valerie Jarrett Visits Sasha Bruce House



Valerie Jarrett Visits Sasha Bruce House

Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama, visited the Bruce House this past October to meet and discuss policy involving homeless youth, and the realities that they face everyday.

In her visit to the Sasha Bruce House, Ms. Valerie Jarrett met with youth from various programs to discuss their stories, the District (and the country’s) current policies, and her own journey.

SBY participants asked policy questions regarding truancy and educational support for youth experiencing homelessness, sharing their own ideas and experiences.

SBY’s Workforce Development program, which partners with youth ages 18-24 years old to provide GED tutoring and prep, along with life and workforce skills, were present in the discussion. Ms. Jarrett also took questions from the youth representing our Independent Living Program (ILP), and our POWER program. ILP provides apartment-style living to youth 16-18 years old up to 18 months, while our POWER program provides prevention and education service regarding sexual health the youth and their surrounding communities.

The highlight of the discussion occurred when youth thanked Jarrett for her genuine and nonjudgmental demeanor, and invited her back for further discussion. We are excited to welcome a member of President Obama’s team into the Sasha Bruce family, and hope to continue these important discussions with the youth impacted by policy, and the officials that affect policy.

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