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Selena’s Story: A Call to Persevere

(via Washington Post article by John Kelly) Selena Best learned long ago that if she wanted to be taken care of, she’d better do it herself. Selena is from the District. She […]

Danielle’s Story

Hi, my name is Danielle. I am 19 years old and I live in the Sasha Bruce Transitional Living Program, also known as TLP. I hope you all don’t mind, […]

Ruby’s Story

When Ruby first contacted ILP she was 16 and recovering from a crack cocaine addiction, after a childhood spent in homeless shelters and on the streets. Now, at 30, she […]


My name is Faith. I am a recent graduate of Sasha Bruce Youthwork’s Transitional Living Program. Before I knew about Sasha Bruce Youthwork, I thought that my life had no […]


I am Alicia. This is my story of change, adjustment, and a brighter future. Learning how to transition from adolescence to adulthood is a pivotal point for every person. When […]

A Rite of Passage

Staff at our Kindred Connections Program recently became involved with a family with four children who needed a place to live. They were staying with a grandparent. However, they had […]


My name is Jaleesa. I am a 16-year old woman residing in the Sasha Bruce Youthwork Independent Living Program. This is my story. Prior to coming to Sasha Bruce, I […]

A Client’s Congressional Testimony

On June 19, 2007, DeCario Whitfield of our YouthBuild Program testified before the US Congress Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is […]


My name is Carol and I’ve been a resident at Sasha Bruce’s Transitional Living Program for eight months now. Before I came here, I did not have a GED or […]


Stuart left home after his mother lost her job. “That’s when I branched off,” he explained. “In my mind, I thought let me take some load off her, give her […]